We provide actionable market intelligence for the pig value chain .
Snapshot of market intelligence
Value captured
Potential value
Bought in 2021
Snapshot of the Pork value chain in Uganda
National stock
Annual slaughter
Annual tonnage
Per capita supply
Estimated value 2021
Our market intelligence data (three dotted lines) show that average price per kg per district(~1890 shilling price difference). Contrary to our assumption, the Wakiso district has higher prices than the capital Kampala.
PorkMart aims to deliver real-time market intelligence on the pork value chain for Uganda. It leverages stakeholder inputs, market research and state of the art data science to deliver actionable end user information
Innovative and smart capture of real-time data along the pig value chain. Secure curation, storage and seamless integration with accessory value chain inputs that drive data analytics
The results is- data-driven market intelligence to support technology and innovation to grow the pig value chain in Uganda
Real time access
Data Collected
Supply Data
Demand Data
Input Data
Prices variation over time
Client Base